A handy repeater for long range
Despite the excellent range of Tyro’s radio systems, radio waves can sometimes face hurdles that affect their range, for example, rocks which are hardly penetrable by radio waves. In mountainous areas where one wants to use a wireless remote control system such as in the forestry sector in Austria, range of the radio transmission can be a problem.
Tyro Radio Repeater
Especially for such applications, Tyro Remotes has developed the Radio Repeater. By using radio repeater the radio signal can be easily retransmitted around or over an obstacle.
Doubled range
The Tyro Radio Repeater is placed directly on or near the obstacle from where it retransmits the received signal from the remote control (repeated) to the receiver, or to the next repeater. This will significantly increase the range and can even double it. In fact this is the same principle that is used by many satellites for managing the transmission along the curvature of the earth.
Solving range problems
The Tyro Radio Repeater can also be used in the plains to increase the range. For example, in areas with a lot of iron or steel obstacles where the signal can get disturbed or weakened through diffraction, absorption or reflection. With the help of a Tyro Radio Repeater this problem can absolutely be managed.